Home Books The Solar System Set, 6-Volumes
The Solar System Set, 6-Volumes

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  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Published:11/01/2010
  • Status: In Stock
  • ISBN: 0816083479 • 13-Digit ISBN: 978-0-8160-8347-3
  • List Price: $237.00 • Discount Price: $213.30


The solar system is not a static place. It continues to evolve—as does our ability to observe it—as technology continues to improve. Now in full color, The Solar System set explores the relationship between the Sun—the center of the solar system—and its orbiters, including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, as well as asteroids, meteorites, and comets. Space missions that helped the scientific community gain a more thorough understanding of solar system bodies are introduced in each fully revised and updated volume, along with images and discussions related to each particular subject. Whereas some books in the set focus on universal unknowns and the results of space missions, others emphasize the importance of viewing the solar system as a continuum of sizes and types of bodies. Each book discusses the role of planets or other small bodies as recorders of the formation of the solar system.

This six-volume set examines the various solar system bodies and encourages a more complex understanding of the many sizes and types of bodies that orbit the Sun. The Solar System is a must-have set for libraries serving students interested in gaining a detailed perspective on how the universe was formed and how each planet and universal body relates to the Sun and the rest of the universe.

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