In order to buy a car, go on a vacation, or own a home, many people borrow money from a lender. To do this, good credit is essential. The brand-new Credit and Borrowing covers all the ins and outs of good credit vs. bad credit, how to build a credit history, credit scores, and anything else students need to know about the process of taking out a loan. Many useful features complete this full-color resource, including an index, bibliography, glossary, sidebars, and student quizzes.
Chapters include:
- Credit: History and Importance
- Credit Cards
- Common Consumer Loans
- Credit Reports and Scores
- Alternative Loans
- Credit Problems.
Full-color photographs and illustrations. Index. Bibliography. Glossary. Sidebars.
About the Author(s)
Julia A. Heath received a Ph.D. at the University of South Carolina and currently teaches economics at the University of Cincinnati. She is the director of the Economics Center for Education and Research at the university and has won several teaching awards, including the Carnegie Foundation U.S. Professor of the Year Award; the economics discipline's highest award, the Kenneth G. Elzinga Distinguished Teaching Award; and the Educator of the Year Award from the National Association for Financial Literacy.